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Change log entry 83694
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-17 05:32:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77061 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Not sure about pinyin segmentation: PLC has it as [ru2sang4-kao3bi3], but my other dictionaries don't include the dash.

Usage examples:

> "第二天晚上,玄奘在屋后摔倒且病情加重,五天之后,大唐三藏法师玄奘卧床圆寂。“京邑及诸州五百里内送者百万余人”,长安城方圆内外五百里的百姓,全部赶来送别,痛哭流涕,【如丧考妣】。 " (https://www.sohu.com/a/776870712_121839252)

> "少年时候,喜欢一个人恨不能把她变成自己身体的一部分,她刚说冷,我这边心里已经结冰了,她说难过,我立马【如丧考妣】,比她还难过,唯恐无法将自己的爱意表达出来。 " (https://weibo.com/5878571699/Oba0o5xji)

> "某天,我被发小拉去他家,那货【如丧考妣】地哭诉自己失恋了,拿出三瓶二锅头,五六包廉价花生,两个咸鸭蛋,一边哭,一边吃,一边喝,一边絮絮叨叨地讲情史。" (http://paper.people.com.cn/hqrw/html/2017-03/01/content_1761524.htm)

> "然而,蓝营张灯结彩喜气洋洋,白营却凄风苦雨【如丧考妣】,柯粉哭,幕僚哭,柯文哲自己也哭,哭成一团,眼看就要一夕团灭。 " (https://news.sina.cn/2023-11-24/detail-imzvsncv7039275.d.html)

> "近日,WTT新加坡大满贯赛男单世界第一樊振东第2轮爆冷出局。有人质疑樊振东是因为赛前看演唱会影响其状态,导致比赛失利的原因。但在笔者看来,竞技体育原本就是如此,偶尔的一次比赛失利,不至于让部分人如此痛心疾首、【如丧考妣】。" (https://www.ttb0571.com/content/2024-03/22/071269.html)


- 两岸通用词典 (https://www.zhonghuayuwen.org/#/latycd/detail?word=%E5%A6%82%E4%B8%A7%E8%80%83%E5%A6%A3): "像死了父母一样地伤心(考:死去的父亲;妣:死去的母亲)。形容非常悲痛(多含贬义)。也作“若丧考妣”。"

- XDHYCD, 5th ed. (via Kindle): "像死了父母一样的伤心和着急(含贬义)。"

- Chinese-English Dictionary of Contemporary Usage (https://archive.org/details/chineseenglishdi0000chiw): "as if one had lost father and mother (worried and anxious—derogatory)"

Editor: There are two schools of thought. One school never uses a hyphen in 4-character chengyu. Yin Binyong, on the other hand, advises that "Four-character Set Phrases that can be divided into two halves are linked by a hyphen. "

We tend to follow the "use a hyphen" school. However, this particular case is perhaps open to interpretation. You could say it can be divided into two halves 如丧+考妣, I suppose. But it might be better thought of as 如+(丧+考妣). So I'll leave it unhyphenated.

"Sun Yat-sen's death in Nanjing in 1925 triggered mourning in both mainland China and Japanese-controlled Taiwan."
# 如喪考妣 如丧考妣 [[ru2sang4kao3bi3]] /lit. as if bereaved, having lost one's own parents (idiom); fig. (usu. pejorative) inconsolable; distraught/
+ 如喪考妣 如丧考妣 [[ru2sang4kao3bi3]] /lit. as if in mourning for one's parents (idiom)/fig. (often pejorative) inconsolable; distraught/

Change log entry 83642
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-13 20:32:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76998 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Usage Examples:

- "她不吵不闹,行完礼就要走,楚王那股锐气丢到了【爪哇国】,吓得脸都白了,抓着她的手语无伦次" (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/81619512)
- "在紧张的“学大寨”中,我没有机会和心思温习文化课,连那练书法、刻鸽哨的业余爱好都抛到【爪哇国】去了。" (https://www.sohu.com/a/776106322_121124742)
- "其实《苏菲的世界》这本书我早就想阅读了,可由于种种原因,把它忘到【爪哇国】去了。" (https://www.sohu.com/a/222224371_717646)
- "唐玄宗一看見楊貴妃的一縷青絲,所有的怨氣、不滿、矜持全都跑到【爪哇國】去了,他哪裡真捨得跟貴妃訣別啊!" (https://www.chinatimes.com/opinion/20200706000001-262107?chdtv)
- "是不是經常覺得別人根本就沒有認真聽你講話? 沒有關係, 現在科學家可以給你支個招, 那就是緊盯那人的眼睛, 如果他不斷眨眼的話,就證明他確實已經神遊到【爪哇國】去了。" (https://www.3du.tw/knowledge/NW9mYjA=.html)


- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E7%88%AA%E5%93%87%E5%9C%8B): "古国名。即今南洋群岛的爪哇岛。因远在海外﹐迷迷茫茫﹐故多借指遥远虚无之处。 "

- Baidu Baike (https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%88%AA%E5%93%87%E5%9B%BD): "古代东南亚古国,其境主要在今印度尼西亚爪哇岛一带。"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=115467&q=1&word=%E7%88%AA%E5%93%87%E5%9B%BD): "1. 國名。即爪哇島,今屬印度尼西亞" and "2. 因爪哇國遠在海外,故古人多借指遙遠虛無之處"

- 中国大百科全书 (https://www.zgbk.com/ecph/words?SiteID=1&ID=529300&Type=bkztb&SubID=768): "因远在海上,交通不变,所以文学作品中常作为遥远、渺茫不详的比喻… 后“丢到爪哇国去了”逐渐成为一种俗语,意思是扔得远远地,多用来形容把事情忘得一干二净。 "

- ABC (via Pleco): "(coll.) somewhere unknown" and "who-knows-where"
# 爪哇國 爪哇国 [[Zhao3wa1guo2]] /ancient state located in present-day 爪哇[Zhao3wa1]/fig. somewhere remote, inaccessible, or obscure/
+ 爪哇國 爪哇国 [[Zhao3wa1guo2]] /ancient state located in present-day Java 爪哇[Zhao3wa1]/(fig.) somewhere remote, inaccessible or obscure/

Change log entry 83623
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-12 12:50:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76999 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>

- 两岸通用词典 (https://www.zhonghuayuwen.org/#/latycd/detail?word=%E4%B8%8A%E5%85%83): "元宵节的别称。参见【元宵节】。"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=132205&q=1&word=%E4%B8%8A%E5%85%83): "1. 元宵節的別稱。參見「元宵節」條。"

- 中国大百科全书 (https://www.zgbk.com/ecph/words?SiteID=1&ID=672277&Type=bkztb&SubID=1073): "中国传统节日。又称元宵、元夕、灯节、正月十五等。"
+ 上元 上元 [[Shang4yuan2]] /see 元宵節|元宵节[Yuan2xiao1jie2]/

Change log entry 83622
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-05-12 12:49:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77000 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Usage examples (in various web fiction):

- 梦娃《宫墙柳》(https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/81482197):"这年【上元节】,楚王和楚王妃有了第一次争吵。"
- priest《桥头楼上》(https://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=7415924&chapterid=1):"过了【上元节】,走投无路的我彻底变态了,礼义廉耻顾不上了,我要替死鬼!"
- 祈祷君《木兰无长兄》([paywall] https://my.jjwxc.net/onebook_vip.php?novelid=2214297&chapterid=46):"我的父皇正在和崔司徒商议着明年【上元节】下诏第二次废佛。"


- XDHYCD, 5th ed. (via Kindle): "{名}元宵节。"

- XDHYDCD (via Pleco): "既元宵节。"

- Cross-Straits (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E4%B8%8A%E5%85%83%E7%AF%80): "傳統節日之一。農曆正月十五日月圓之夜,人們會以吃元宵、賞花燈、提燈籠、猜燈謎等民俗活動來慶祝。也作「燈節」、「上元」、「元宵」、「元宵節」。"
+ 上元節 上元节 [[Shang4yuan2jie2]] /see 元宵節|元宵节[Yuan2xiao1jie2]/

Change log entry 83511
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-05 05:17:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76725 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Based on the Google search result estimates mentioned in queue entry 76724, this form is about 30 times less common than 與虎謀皮|与虎谋皮[yu3hu3-mou2pi2].

Since the literal definition is slightly different ("lit. to negotiate with a fox for its pelt"), should that be included in this entry's English definition? I wasn't sure what the convention is.

It looks like dictionaries tend to treat the "tiger" version as primary, treating the "fox” version either as an alternative (and original) form (e.g., HYDCD, MoE Idioms https://dict.idioms.moe.edu.tw/idiomView.jsp?ID=1536, 汉典 https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E8%88%87%E7%8B%90%E8%AC%80%E7%9A%AE) or not including it at all (e.g., PLC, GF, Cross-Straits, XDHYDCD).

Editor: The "see ..." format is intended to allow apps to substitute the definition verbatim, and since that's not quite what we want here, I'm doing it a different way.
# 與狐謀皮 与狐谋皮 [[yu3hu2-mou2pi2]] /see 與虎謀皮|与虎谋皮[yu3hu3-mou2pi2]/
+ 與狐謀皮 与狐谋皮 [[yu3hu2-mou2pi2]] /(idiom) to ask sb to act contrary to their own interests (original form of the expression 與虎謀皮|与虎谋皮[yu3hu3-mou2pi2])/

Change log entry 83510
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-05 05:11:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76724 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
This idiom is (likely) derived from the alternative original form 與狐謀皮|与狐谋皮[yu3hu2-mou2pi2]:

- MoE Idioms (https://dict.idioms.moe.edu.tw/idiomView.jsp?ID=1474&webMd=2&la=0): "而「與狐謀皮」的寓言故事,可能就是後來「與虎謀皮」的出處,只是把「狐」改成「虎」。除了原有的寓義外,更因老虎是種猛獸,就更強調了寓言中「找錯對象」的意思。"

- HYDCD (via Pleco): "本作“與狐謀皮”。"

but Google suggests that the 虎 is now much more prevalent:

與虎謀皮 : About 179,000 results
与虎谋皮: About 975,000 results

與狐謀皮: About 5,970 results
与狐谋皮: About 33,200 results

PLC, Oxford, Guifan, and Cross-Straits (via Pleco) segment the pinyin as [yu3hu3-mou2pi2].

Usage examples from CCL Corpus (http://ccl.pku.edu.cn:8080/ccl_corpus):

- "赌风盛行,其实本身就是一种社会的病态;让赌场治“赌病”,无异于【与虎谋皮】。既要赌业兴旺,又要避免“病态”,这道难题有解吗?" (人民日报, 2006)

- "让这样一个“受益者”去纠正违法行为,无异于“【与虎谋皮】”。吃到嘴里的肉,怎能轻易吐出来? " (人民日报, 2005)

- "网民普遍认为,让老百姓与开发商商量房价,无异于“【与虎谋皮】”。 The cyber citizens generally believed that asking the ordinary masses to negotiate housing price with the developers would be nothing short of asking a tiger for its skin."


- PLC (via Pleco): "IDIOM ask a tiger for its skin—expect sb. (usu. an evil person) to act against his own interests; attempt the impossible"

- Guifan (via Pleco): "同老虎商量要它的皮(谋: 商量)。比喻跟恶人商量, 要他放弃自己的利益, 那是办不到的。"

- Chinese-English dictionary of contemporary usage by Chi, Wen-shun (https://archive.org/details/chineseenglishdi0000chiw): "to ask a tiger to give up his pelt (to ask someone—e.g., a landlord—to give up something vital to his existence; a futile request; a doomed petition)"

- Far East Chinese-English Dictionary: "(literally) to negotiate with a tiger (fox) for its hide—to try to persuade someone to do what is against his interest"

- MoE Idioms (https://dict.idioms.moe.edu.tw/idiomView.jsp?ID=1474&webMd=2&la=0): "「與虎謀皮」的意思是向老虎商量要取牠的皮,皮是老虎的生命必需品,當然牠是不肯了。所以「與虎謀皮」用來比喻所謀者與對方有利害衝突,事情必辦不成。"
+ 與虎謀皮 与虎谋皮 [[yu3hu3-mou2pi2]] /lit. to negotiate with a tiger for its pelt (idiom); fig. to ask sb to act contrary to their own interests/

Change log entry 83206
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 22:47:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76713 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>

- PLC (via Pleco): "(verb) (literary) not at all; not in the least (or slightest)" with the examples "了无惧色 show no trace of fear; look completely undaunted" and "了无生趣 lose all interest in life"

- Guifan (via Pleco): "(动) 完全没有"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=63164&q=1&word=liao3%2Cwu2): "一點也沒有。《五代史平話.唐史.卷下》:「段凝出入公卿間,揚揚自得、了無慚色。」"
# 了無 了无 [[liao3wu2]] /to completely lack; to be not in the least/
+ 了無 了无 [[liao3wu2]] /to completely lack; to have not even the slightest/

Change log entry 83204
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 22:28:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76714 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Added "master" and "imperial" senses; v2.

References for "imperial" sense:

- 现代汉语词典, 5th ed. (via Kindle): "封建社会尊称帝王:~上|~旨。"

- XDHYDCD (via Pleco): "神圣的。封建时代称颂帝王或与帝王有关的事物之词。如:圣旨;圣驾;圣鉴。"

- 林語堂當代漢英詞典 (https://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/Lindict/Lindict.php?query=%b8%74&category=wholerecord): "The divine, highest, supreme (used of emperor, God)"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=9066&q=1&word=sheng4): "君主的。如:「聖恩」、「聖旨」。"

Usage example:

《宫墙柳》by 梦娃 (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/81050943): "她高高仰起头来,声音里带着轻轻地颤抖,“可惜我不得【圣】宠,除了进宫那年侍寝过两次,再不见天颜,能有今日全靠娘娘慈悲。”"


References for "master" sense:

- XDHYDCD (via Pleco): "对于精通某种技艺或擅长某事造诣极深之人的尊称。如:书圣;棋圣;诗圣。"

- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E5%9C%A3): "精通一事,对某门学问、技艺有特高成就的人 [master]。如: 棋圣;诗圣"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=9066&q=1&word=sheng4): "通稱在學識或技藝上有很深造詣的人。如:「詩聖」、「樂聖」。"
- 聖 圣 [sheng4] /holy/sacred/saint/sage/
# + 聖 圣 [[sheng4]] /holy; sacred/saint; sage/(honorific) imperial/master (honorific for an accomplished expert in poetry, chess, calligraphy, etc)/
+ 聖 圣 [[sheng4]] /(bound form) peerless (in wisdom, moral virtue, skill etc)/(bound form) peerless individual; paragon (sage, saint, emperor, master of a skill etc)/(bound form) holy; sacred/

Change log entry 83184
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:27:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76702 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Note: Some sources seem to suggest that mao1 might also be an acceptable pronunciation (as an offshoot of the "躲藏/to hide" sense?), but other sources list only the pronunciation mao2. I wasn't sure, so I just left the 貓|猫[mao1] entry as is for now.


- XDHYDCD / HYDCD (via Pleco):【máo】"方言。弯曲。" Neither dictionary lists mao1 as an alternative pronunciation.

- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E8%B2%93):【máo】"[动] (1)〈方〉∶彎曲 [arch]。如:小偷貓腰鑽過橋洞外的鐵絲網跑了 (2) 另見 māo"

- 中華語文大辭典 (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E8%B2%93):【máo】"彎(腰)。貓著腰往前跑|挺直身子,別貓腰。"

- 现代汉语词典, 5th ed. (via Kindle):【máo】"[猫腰](máo ∥yāo)同“毛腰”。另见māo"

- PLC (via Pleco):【māo】"bend forward," with the example "猫腰 bend down"【máo】"stoop"【máoyāo】"bend down"

- 最新林語堂漢英詞典:【māo】"V.t.【貓腰】Arch one's back." Lists mao1 as the primary pronunciation and mao2 in parentheses, with the caveat that the dictionary is from 1987/pretty old and probably Hong Kong-pronunciation-based.


中華語文大辭典 suggests that mao1yao1 is the pronunciation in Taiwan (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E8%B2%93%E8%85%B0), but this is not universally agreed upon:

- 重編國語辭典修訂本 (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=29335): Lists only the pronunciation mao2yao1.

- 遠流活用成語大辭典 (https://lib.ctcn.edu.tw/chtdict/content.aspx?TermId=50145): "maó (毛) [動] 彎腰。例:貓腰。" Does not list mao1 as an alternative pronunciation.

Editor: By adding "Taiwan pr. [mao1yao1]", I don't mean to indicate that it isn't also pronounced that way elsewhere by some people.
+ 貓 猫 [[mao2]] /used in 貓腰|猫腰[mao2yao1]/
# Editor:
- 貓腰 猫腰 [mao2 yao1] /to bend over/
+ 貓腰 猫腰 [[mao2yao1]] /to bend over; to stoop down/Taiwan pr. [mao1yao1]/

Change log entry 83183
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:11:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76700 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Changed the pinyin for 看 from kan1 to kan4 and tried to convert to v2 format.

Might be unnecessary/stylistic, but I also added "to be" in front of the "disillusioned..." sense.

References for pinyin tones & segmentation:
- PLC, Oxford, 现代汉语规范词典 (all via Pleco)
- 中華語文大辭典 (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E7%9C%8B%E7%A0%B4%E7%B4%85%E5%A1%B5)
- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E7%9C%8B%E7%A0%B4%E7%BA%A2%E5%B0%98)

LA ~ 原指看透人生,把生死榮辱、人情冷暖都不放在心上;現也指受挫折後,對世間一切抱持消極的態度。
例 「他看破紅塵出家為僧」、「他在破產後,看破紅塵,賣字度日」。

> 提起小沙彌,一般人的印象多來自日本卡通──一休和尚,或電影裡的釋小龍,不是聰明靈慧,就是功夫了得。然而,現今叢林中的小沙彌與卡通、電影裡的有什麼不同?跟一般同年齡的孩子又有何差異?為什麼小小年紀就看破紅塵,選擇出家?

> 沙彌雖小能入聖,小小年紀便已出家,既要遵守沙彌戒律,動靜坐臥也要有威儀,但不知他們小心眼裡在想些什麼?為什麼「看破紅塵」?
- 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [kan1 po4 hong2 chen2] /to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk)/disillusioned with human society/to reject the world for a monastic life/
# + 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [[kan4po4 hong2chen2]] /to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk)/to be disillusioned with human society/to reject the world for a monastic life/
+ 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [[kan4po4-hong2chen2]] /(idiom) to see through the illusions of the material world (often a precursor to becoming a Buddhist monk or nun); to become disillusioned with human society/
By MDBG 2024
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